Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I should be writing the paper due tomorrow…

But instead I'm letting an episode of The Office buffer while I try out this new blogging function in Word 2007.

In other news, The Agoraphobia Chronicles continue! …They're really not that interesting, though, so, let's skip that. Things that do interest me at the moment:

  1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I blame Tiffany.
  2. Human response to vocal modulation. It's actually pretty cool. I've been doing a few minor experiments, of which I will write later.
  3. Metafiction. I've always been fascinated by it, really—at least, ever since I learned of its existence—but reading Madame Bovary renewed my interest. I'm considering a second thesis topic, now—possibly something about the metafictional element in realist fiction of the 19th century? Focusing on Mme. and Northanger Abbey.
  4. Reinvention. I've changed my name and my hairstyle; what's next?

Yeah, I gave myself bangs. It worked out pretty well, actually, I think; if my career as a novelist/professor falls through, I can always pursue cosmetology. Or maybe I could be a masseuse! I do give damn good massages. And working at a spa sounds like fun. Great benefits, hm?

I really should work on that paper, though.