Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Things I have learned in the last twenty-four hours:

- This 'pleasant surprise' thing is not just a myth.

- In the 1980s, some French people had trouble with 'DJ,' pronouncing it 'dee-jee,' because in l'alphabet francais, 'g' is pronounced 'zhay,' and 'j' is 'jee.' Woo, confusion!

- There is actually a page on my school's website specifically for class cancellations due to weather, which makes my past frantic phoning of professors utterly ludicrous.

- 'Un,' which is French for 'one,' is not pronounced 'oon' or 'uhn'; the 'u' is pronounced roughly like the 'a' in the English 'all.' That's also what the 'i' in 'cinq' (five) sounds like. Good to know.

- I may actually have a job this semester, which would be beyond wonderful. It would also help with my goal to lose weight, since it's up two steep hills and six flights of stairs.

- My travel mug tastes like soap. I must rinse it out better after washing it.

- My new almost-boss is so much nicer than the last two bosses I've had. This is exciting!

- Hemingway, while still not one of my favorite authors, is much less unbearable now than he was in high school. Or perhaps it's just that I'm not reading The Old Man and the Sea, which, I feel certain, is the only book available to sinful bibliophiles in Hell. A Farewell to Arms, on the other hand, is much more enjoyable--though I still absolutely despise Catherine Barkley. What a fawning caricature of a woman.

- Really, this soap-tea thing is not pleasant. I must rinse it out better.

Apparently my 'things I've learned in the last 24hrs' list has become a bulleted relation of whatever I happen to be thinking while typing.

- This happens to me a lot.

- Soap soap soap soap soap.


Meg said...

We officially spend too much time talking to each other, simply because of how much this post resembles ones I make and how I think. Lol!

Em said...

Too much time talking to each other?

I'm sorry, that does not compute.


Bekah said...


(and what is this weather that prevents school you speak of? I wanna get me some of that!)